Болотов Андрей Геннадьевич (BOLOTOV ANDREI GENNADEVICH)

Болотов Андрей Геннадьевич (BOLOTOV ANDREI GENNADEVICH)

Профессор (Professor of the Department of Meteorology and climatology)

Кафедра: метеорологии и климатологии

Ученая степень: Д. биол. н. (Dr. Sci.)

Ученое звание: Доцент


Job Activity 18

Educational disciplines: Agrometeorology, Methods of Observation and Analysis in Hydrometeorology, Information and Measurement Technologies in Agrometeorology, Sustainable Development, Natural Emergency Events

Scientific interests: Agrometeorological Support in Crop Production, Modeling of the Hydrothermal Regime of Soils, Water-saving Irrigation, The Development of Devices for Monitoring Environmental Parameters.

Education: 2000, specialty Radiophysics and Electronics, qualification Radiophysicist, Altai State University. 2017, Dr. Sci. (Biological Sciences), - Agrophysics

Advanced training:

Moscow Lomonosov University, Mathematical Models in Soil Science, 2012, 72h

Altai State Agrarian University, Moodle distance learning system in the educational process, 2016, 100h

Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Innovative technologies in education, 2017, 72h


Bolotov A.G., Shein E.V., Makarychev S.V. 2019. Water retention capacity of soils in the Altai Region // Eurasian Soil Science. Vol. 52. No. 2. pp. 187–192.

Ilinich V.V., Bolotov A.G., Shein E.V., Makarychev S.V. 2018. Assessment of surface moisture in the catchment area on the base of modelling the hydrological properties of soils // G. La Loggia, G. Freni, V. Puleo and M. De Marchis (eds.), HIC 2018, 13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Palermo, 1-6 July 2018, (EPiC Series in Engineering, vol. 3), pp. 931-935

Bolotov A.G., Belolyubtsev A.I. 2017. Microclimatology // Guidelines for writing a course project. Moscow: Russian State Agrarian University - MAA named K.A. Timiryazev, Moscow, 16 p.

Makarychev S.V., Bolotov A.G. 2017. Conductive and steam-diffuse constituents of thermotransfer in different soil moisture contents: case study of the Altai Region’s soils // Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 6(1): pp. 44 - 50. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2017.1.044-050

Makarychev S.V., Bolotov A.G. 2016. Structural-functional concept of thermophysical condition of the soils of Altai Region // Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 5(4): pp. 279 - 284. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2016.4.279-284

Перечень преподаваемых дисциплин

Агрометеорология, Метеорология и климатология, Лесная метеорология, Методы наблюдений и анализа в гидрометеорологии, Чрезвычайные ситуации природного характера, Информационно-измерительные технологии в агрометеорологии, Устойчивое развитие


2000г, специальность Радиофизика и электроника, квалификация Радиофизик, Алтайский государственный университет

22.06.2017, Доктор биологических наук, 06.01.03 - агрофизика

Сведения о повышении квалификации и профессиональной переподготовке

  • ФГБОУ ВО Алтайский ГАУ, Система дистанционного обучения Moodle в учебном процессе, 2016 г, 100 ч

  • ФГБОУ ВО РГАУ-МСХА имени К.А. Тимирязева, Инновационные технологии в образовании, 2017 г, 72 ч

Трудовая деятельность

Общий стаж работы - 18 лет

Стаж работы по специальности - 17 лет


Water retention capacity of soils in the Altai Region
Bolotov A.G., Shein E.V., Makarychev S.V. 2019 // Eurasian Soil Science. Vol. 52. No. 2. pp. 187–192.
Assessment of surface moisture in the catchment area on the base of modelling the hydrological properties of soils
Ilinich V.V., Bolotov A.G., Shein E.V., Makarychev S.V. 2018 // G. La Loggia, G. Freni, V. Puleo and M. De Marchis (eds.), HIC 2018, 13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Palermo, 1-6 July 2018, (EPiC Series in Engineering, vol. 3), pp. 931-935
Bolotov A.G., Belolyubtsev A.I. 2017 // Guidelines for writing a course project. Moscow: Russian State Agrarian University - MAA named K.A. Timiryazev, Moscow, 16 p.
Conductive and steam-diffuse constituents of thermotransfer in different soil moisture contents: case study of the Altai Region’s soils
Makarychev S.V., Bolotov A.G. 2017 // Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 6(1): pp. 44 - 50. DOI : 10.18393/ejss.2017.1.044-050